Note One

Sand City California is known as an industrial town mostly due to it's early roots. One of it's major indudtries was sand mining. Currently Sand City continues to thrive with major retail outlets like Costco, World Market, etc. Several years back, a major condo unit was built with lots of fanfare. Later, a thriving art and music scene appeared. ...more to come

Ah, the good ole days...

"Welcome to Borders in Sand City located in the beautiful Monterey Bay area. You’ll want to start by visiting our Seattle’s Best Cafe and trying our famous Javakula or our seasonal specialty drink. You should then wander over to our All Things Local section where you can become more acquainted with the history of Monterey County and the many books written by the area’s local authors. Don’t forget to check out our events center to find out what events are happening in our store. We’ll see you soon!…'